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Basic Soundcode Therapy Training (animals)

The seminar Universal Soundcodes 1 should be attended in advance, because it introduces the work on humans as well as on animals. It is also useful to have at least a first session on working with the atlas before attending the live training units.

The complete training always is for working with humans as well as animals. 

When we look at horse and rider, that makes perfect sense anyway. But there is more to it. Humans have an instinct nature, where the Soundcodes for animals are very helpful tools. And the pets and horses that are living with us have adopted a lot of what we as humans carry around with us. So they can benefit from the human Soundcodes as well. That is the real reason why I decided to combine the trainings in order to work with both of them.

The training for working with animals will first of all enable you to work with the Atlas, the first vertebra of the spine. This region of the body is very critical and important for a good bodyfunction on all levels.

I can even say, that sometimes when you do not know what to do next because nothing seems to really work, it makes a lot of sense to think of working with the Atlas. I have witnessed miracles and it is undoubtedly clear that this region has been a major factor in moving forward toward a better overall health situation.

The so called „natural misalignment“ of horses is completely correctible and usually disappears completely after this treatment is done. The horses gait is in line, and the animal is relaxed in the hind and back region. When working with elderly dogs, we see that they start walking in line again and relax in the back region. Their gait is improved and the tail is swinging free again.

Working with animals concerning the Atlas misplacement seems to be quite a new idea. I and the people I trained  see though how important it can be. We see how much sense it makes to correct this region in order to help the animals improve their gait, gain more flexibility at the very least. Additionally, they can have improved vitality, more calmness, and other beneficial side effects.  Every horse that performs jumping or dressage will benefit greatly from the Atlas Balancing.

Of cause we are also adressing all of the other parts of the system, including emotions and subtle levels with the Soundcode work.

Elisabeth Westermann is offering trainings only for the european countries. The dates and times are chosen according to european time-zones.

Special arrangements can be made in individual cases. Please contact us personally on that.

For the US you will find trainers in different parts of the country that will offer classes. Please click here ….

The following are the parts of the training to become a Soundcode Therapist:

Elisabeth is only training online as for now. In the US you can find trainers who will work with you in person, also with the first part, the Universal Soundcodes class.

After completing all three parts of the basic training you will receive a certificate for working with humans and animals. You can set up your own business as a Dao-Tha Soundcode therapist according to the legal situation in your own country. You will have to find out yourself, if you need other pre-requisits for working self-employed in your country.