Around 30 years ago Rene Claudius Schümperli from Switzerland found out that the Atlas, the first vertebra of the spine is turned and twisted in most humans and most mammals.
He listed his own symptoms in his book: „Die Befreiung“, from 2004, page 207- 208. This book does not exist in the English language, so I will be translating this passage for you:

„Aches and pains I had to suffer under for decades and which practically totally faded away:
The following pains and aches are known to the MDs, Neurologists and psychiatristsnowadays ( but they are not aware of the actual reason, the dislocated Atlas ) because thousands of people that went through accidents and had a whiplash or a trauma in the cervical region suffered horribly under it and talked about it.
Neck pain, back pain, limited movement of the head , pains and migraines, restricted movement and pain in the shoulder, strong sensitivity in case of weather change, heavy and aching arms, cramped fingers and hands, wet hands, numbness in the hands, “tennis elbow”, over-sensitivity to noise, lack of concentration, extreme dizzyness Balance disorders, nocturnal pain and tingling in hands and arms, noise in the ear, weakness in the hands, flicker and sparks in front of the eyes, intolerance of bright light, watery eyes, insecure walking, weakness in the whole body, itching all over, cold feet and hands, hip pain, knee pain, chronic cough and bronchitis, excessive sweating, night sweats, intolerance to alcohol, sexual over-stimulation or loss of experience, to total impotence, bad hearing, gastritis, nausea, nausea, acid stomach, severe digestive problem e, chronic diarrhea or constipation, hemorrhoids, liver crises, sleep deprivation, depressed by day, exhausted, chronic athlete’s foot, zero initiative in work and leisure, anxiety and nightmares, physical / mental heaviness, withdrawn from friends, waking up with suicidal thoughts, noticeable change of personality, sensitive , unconcentrated, memory lapses (can not take anything in, can not hold on), irritable to aggressive, uncontrolled, great tiredness, racing palpitations, pulse rate up to 160, as if I were suffocating in the brain slowly, as if gradually switched off, almost like being turned off, terrible anxiety, strong Toothache, aching the teeth, gum and mouth infections, contracting the scalp, painful radiance over the whole head, “running ants” over the whole face, neck and arms like a nerve fever, all limbs hurt, every step an act of will, breathing difficulties such as asthma, problems with passing water, Odor: Odor disorders and misinformation and also hypersensitivity.
Taste: tongue, throat strong taste disorders, do not know what I eat! Hearing: numbness, poor hearing, or painful hypersensitivity, chronic otitis on both sides.
End stage: unbearable pain in the whole body, terrible anxiety, appearing light spots in the eyes, hair loss, strong radiations in the brain, horrible conditions, it is as if all processes around me as in slow motion, the whole organism is very weakened.
The diagnosis made by doctors, professors, neurologists, psychiatrists was: mentally ill, only psychotherapy can help …
Millions of people like you and me have been and will continue to be misunderstood and ruined in a horrendous way in spite of BETTER KNOWLEDGE.
I survived to make the truth known!
From the book: „Die Befreiung“ by René-Claudius Schümperli, 2004 S. 207, S.208
The training as a DAO THA Soundcode Therapist for Atlas and Body in Balance will enable you to work with the Atlas as well as the alignment of the whole physical body of humans as well as mammals.
The Atlas will find its healthy position right away when the balancing is done! The body knows how to function in the best way possible and will take the information provided through the Soundcodes to realign itself from top to bottom.
Schümperliy says in his book on page 125:
„When the cause is gone, regeneration and self-healing of body and psyche follow naturally….….(he created Atlasprofilax to work with the cause ) The ability and duration of the self-healing is always depending on the state of health of the person in the first place. Everybody will have their own experience in the process.“
Soundcodes are not manipulating, they are not like a chiropractic adjustment so this method is safe and at the same time very effective! I have seen miracles happen through this powerful healing technique.
In my own research I have seen, that mammals have the same problem with the Atlas that humans have. With horses and dogs in particular, you can tell by observing their gait , that they are not in alignment and stiff, high up in the pelvis. We have been working with horses, dogs, cats and even cattle and were able to see good results in all of them.
It is a joy to see how animals react to the singing of Soundcodes, because they respond immediately! Unlike humans, the animal usually does not have any mental or emotional resistance.
Below you can see the effect of the session on both horse and rider. There is only an interval of two hours between the two pictures
